Privacy Policy

DivorceTN Privacy Policy

What information do we collect?

Our firm collects information from users who register through our website by filling out a form. During registration on our site, we may ask for your name, e-mail, and telephone number. Although we do collect information from form submissions, users do have the ability to browse our website anonymously.

Google, which is a third party vendor, may employ the use of cookies in order to deliver ads on our site. DART cookies, which Google uses to serve these ads, allow the delivery of ads based on previous visits to the site as well as other websites on the web. Users also have the ability to disable DART cookies by going to the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

What do we use your information for?

Information collected through our website may be utilized:

  • In order to personalize the user’s experience (specific user information allows us to respond to our users’ needs in an appropriate manner)
  • To enhance our website (our developers continue to improve what information we provide based on feedback from previous visitors to our site)
  • To notify our users with occasional emails
  • To provide the best customer service experience possible (all information collected helps us respond to requests more effectively)

We use email addresses to provide our users with information relevant to their case as well as to help us respond to inquiries in an efficient manner.

How do we protect your information?

Our development team implements a number of security measures in order to protect any personal information entered or submitted while visiting our site. We are available to employ the utilization of a secure server. Credit card details, personal address, or otherwise sensitive information is securely transmitted through the use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. Following this transmission, the data is then encrypted for use only on our secure database which can only be accessed by those authorized by special access delegation and are then required to maintain confidentiality.

IMPORTANT: Following the submission of a financial transaction, all private information submitted is NOT stored on our servers.

Do we use cookies?

The use of cookies allows us to provide a more personalized experience to visitors to our site by processing and remembering user preferences from previous visits, as well as compiling aggregate data in regards to site traffic and user interactions. We may employ the use of contracts with third-party service providers in order to help us maintain an understanding of our website’s visitors. However, service providers are not allowed to collect any information on our behalf, with the exception of providing us with assistance in conducting and enhancing our business.

Do we disclose any information to outside parties?

While we do not sell or trade personally identifiable information, we do transfer relevant information to trusted third parties with the agreement that all information collected is entirely confidential. We do this in order to enhance the operation of our website as well as to provide excellent customer service. It is also possible that we would need to release such information if our attorneys believe that this release is necessary to comply with the law, to enforce site-wide policies, as well as to protect the rights, property, or safety of ourselves or others. However, information that is not personally identifiable may be used to provide external parties with advertising, marketing, or other uses.

Third party links

On occasion our website may offer or include third party services or products at our discretion. Such third parties have their own independent and separate privacy policies. Therefore, DivorceTN bears no liability or responsibility for the activities conducted or content displayed on these linked third-party websites. Regardless, we continue to strive to protect the integrity of our own website and are open to receiving feedback about linked sites.

Need More Information? Contact our office!

(615) 274-4DIV